We had a wonderful trip to Destin this year. We were worried about the oil but it ended up being a wonderful time for our family. We had the inlaws with us this year and The Comstock Family.Mr. Kyle was the major chef of the week. He woke up every morning and cooked for us all day. Mrs. Belinda was a great help with all the kiddos we had. We are so thankful for them being with us this year. We were even able to go on a date together. We had a fun time. We also left Parker one morning and took the kids to play at the track. They had a blast. It was a wonderful trip. Enjoy the stream of pics

Loves to DANCE

Parker's first time on the beach
They took right to the ocean this year- NO FEAR
View from our Condo

Paw-Paw made Parker his very own little pool in the sand

Maw-Maw with Parker
Quick shot before dinner

Three Beach Bums

It was a beautiful sunset in the bay

On our date- Dolphin Cruise-
Riding Rides

The Track with the older two

Baylee took our pic at the track

Feeding the alligators at Fudpuckers
Ice Cream with our older two

We went to the Crab Trap twice-One of my favs

Parker's new friend-This massive rattlesnake that he cried for