Monday, August 30, 2010
Our First Babysitter

This is Kalin! She has been our babysitter lately for whenever we need. She is the most beautiful person inside and out and our kids absolutely adore her. Parker is very spoiled when we come home after Kalin leaves bc I am not sure exactly what goes on but I think she may hold him! LOL! Who wouldn't! He's a cutie! She takes some pretty cute pics while she is here also! I haven't left her with all three yet but that is coming soon! WE LOVE YOU KALIN:-)

Monday, August 23, 2010
Stream of Emotions

I want this SUV!!!! You know when I win the Lottery or something. oh wait I don't play!
I joined MOPS group and I really enjoyed it. Made this cute calender.
Parker enjoys laying on the floor and playing while I do dishes.
Kids are still loving school and loving their bus ride. I am very happy at how much relief it is for them to ride the bus although I do miss them a ton.
I made Johnathon one of his favorite childhood cassaroles and he loved it.

Parker likes to play peek a boo behind our curtains.

Ants are taking over our house!
All you mother's out there understand what kind of week we are having here. LOL! Can't wait for Johnathon to come home!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Friday night we went to the mall with Baylee and Parker. Can anyone guess where Braden was?? He didn't want to come to dinner and the mall so he stayed with paw-paw and maw-maw. Baylee had a great report from school so we took her to buy a new outfit for her bear. We ended having a double stroller from the mall and Parker was just a HAM in it. He played and just had a fun time. We did miss our bray bray though!

Monday, August 16, 2010
Big Week

This past week has been a huge week for us. Our children started a new school. Baylee started 1st grade on Thursday and Braden started kindergarden today. We have been so very blessed and it continues to amaze me each day-our God is so faithful. Where God has guided us, He will provide for us. Thank You Lord for blessing us so richly. They are both enjoying their new school very much and they even rode the bus for the first time today. Can you believe and organized mother like me didn't even have her nice camera to take good photos. IT WASN'T EVEN IMPORTANAT AT THAT MOMENT TO ME.

The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with Joy. Psalm 126:3
Friday, August 13, 2010
Photos to catch us up
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Parker's First Birthday Party
For Parker's Birthday I went out on a limb and tried to be crafty! I am not a crafty person by any means, but with a little internet anything is possible! I always loved giraffe print since Parker was born. He's had a giraffe blanket, stuffed animal, and he was even a giraffe for Halloween. So his party was sure to be GIRAFFE. We worked really hard and everything turned out really cute. His color theme was orange, green, and Brown with orange polka dot. LOVE IT! I want to thank everyone that was able to come to Parker's Party and thank you for all the gifts and for making it special for him and for us:-)

Parker's cake and his little mini cake turned out really cute. I always love how they do our cakes and I know it must be extremely hard work to do it all. I had the little giraffe's all over my house and in my plants outside-just like the one that was on the cake.
This was the fireplace that I made tissue balls and made Parker the little giraffe banner. So Easy for both and so much fun. I mean with $20 worth of ribbon and paper a girl can do a lot!

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