Can I say I am so proud of my BIG girl. This girl can read. And I don't mean little first grade words. Words like "suggested." To me that is hard for a 2nd grader. Not for my girl tho. They threw out some bonus spelling words this week to see if any kids would get them right- you know she got them all right.
The 5 words were picnic, plastic, rabbit, fabric, and napkin.
I mean seriously this girl has some MAD spelling/reading skills.
Love her to death. I am so happy that she started the year off so great and is loving her teacher so much. That girl is going to change lives one day. I believe in her.
Now for my big boy Braden. My big 1st grader. He is doing very well also. We are working very hard on writing and practicing all of our sight words with him. He loves the one-on-one with me during homework time. He is totally his daddy. He is reading his timed sheet very well and has read his first story well. His first ever spelling test is tomorrow and I know he is going to do GREAT! I am so proud of these two kiddos.
As for Parker-He will start MDO on September 6th. I am so confused on that. I know time goes by so fast and I don't want to miss a moment but at the same time I want him to have some socialization with other kids also and he is just so bored at home alone all day with me. It will be interesting for sure and I said I was going to give it one month and if it doesn't work out then he will stay at home with me.
Happy Wednesday to all:)))