Okay, so to start it off I was chosen to go to Washington,D.C. for a convention to represent St. James. I knew when I put this letter in that I would have to fly there. AGGGHHHHHH!! I must say the Lord gave me extreme peace about it. So I did it!! This is to everyone who thought I would never do it:)~ I must say it is not my transportation of choice but the Lord got me home safely. At one point I thought I was a goner!

My first layover was in Philly,which was byfar the most Awesome airport I would ever be in! Then we had a thirty minute flight to Baltiomore. That was great. It really was not the plane ride that got to me, it was the shuttle ride to the hotel that nearly killed me! Our hotel was beautiful! We stayed at the OMNI.

We were in classes most of the time but I was able to take the "Old time Trolly" Tour of D.C. which was wonderful and very relaxing. I got to see so much! It took about 5 hours to complete it. I also went in Georgetown. It was beautiful! The houses were so tiny though. About eight feet wide. Here are a few pictures I took on the tour.

I was also able to take my first ride on a subway. That was pretty interesting and stinky!I did not know that you had to ride an escalator that is about 200 feet down there. That was pretty scary.I had a wonderful trip and I thank everyone for praying for me.