Today was the first day of Pre-K for Baylee. Our baby girl is growing up so quick! She did so Awesome today. Please take a second and note the white knee high socks that she just had to wear with her Mary Jane shoes! She said that is what Gap wears! I said "Baylee Gap is a store not a person." She said "I seen it on TV and Gap had them on!" She went right into the gym and was ready to go sit down by her cousin but her teacher said "Baylee will you please sit right here?" Baylee looked at her and thought for a second and sat down. I was very proud of her! I saw a little mini Johnathon in her for a second there and I thought she was going to give her a hard time but she was fine. This summer has been so busy for all of us and she has had to learn that you don't get your way for everything! It has been a great summer to be home with her and she has grown so attached to me:)~
Now for Mr.Braden Kyle Booksh. Today was his first day in the 3 year old program. Halo 3's!! He was quite the BIG man I must say. All summer he has been so clingy and attached, not wanting to go into nursery at church because he had to be in the new class. For the past few weeks he has been saying "I don't want to go to cool!" Everytime we would go that way he would start crying. Well, today he woke up and said "Is Paw-Paw bringing me to cool today?" I said "No, buddy I am bringing you to school today." He looked and was ok with it! So, he was fine about going. When we got there he walked in and immediately found him a friend. Braden said" Mommy this is my friend Andrew(Who is his cousin not his little friend) I said "Bray his name is Joshua." It was funny. So, I left and got in my van and did a little crying as this summer has been so long for me but also so short. I thought about what a blessing it was to be with them all summer even these last few weeks when they have fought everyday non-stop. As I sit here in this quiet house I wonder what do I do?? My house is clean and it is just peaceful. And the Lord showed me that this is just another chapter of our life complete and the page has just turned. Oh how I am going to miss those kids!!! When they are Little they step on your feet and when they are Big they step on your Heart!
yeah, we do have some pretty stinkin cute kiddos in the family huh!! Love them soo much! ;-)
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