Well, first off we all thank the Lord that he kept us all safe for the hurricane!! It was a ruff GO for a while there. I was asked to come into work that morning of the hurricane to help out if needed. I did not know that I would be stuck there for the next thirty hours!! My employer was nice enough to provide us with an apartment for my family to stay in. So Johnathon and the kids stayed back in the apartment for the hurricane and came home the next day. It was not bad at all at my work. From the looks of Grosse Tete it was pretty ruff. Anyone who knows me knows that I am extremely scared of bad weather so I am glad that I was not in Grosse Tete for the hurricane!!We had a little damage to our home but nothing major!

We stayed with my my in laws for a week where we had three families in one house!!! Yeah, it was ruff but we made the best of it and learned alot about each other!!
The clean up was a long process but we got it done! Braden wanted to be like Paw Paw and Daddy and help out, so Maw Maw bought him is own chainsaw.
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