We are already off to a fun start this month and it is only the first week of the month. What more could you ask for:) We took the kids to Elmo Live tonight. At first I thought Baylee might be a little to old for Elmo but she had a blast!! She stood on her chair and danced away all night! Like I said she has been very scared of people dressed up, such as Elmo, but she went right up to the stage with her superhero(daddy) and shook Zoe's hand. She thought she was the coolest! Our baby Girl is growing up!
Now with Mr. Braden Kyle, he stood on his chair the entire time and did not budge. He was glued in can I tell you! You could not get him to take a picture because he could not look at the camera long enough to take one. He had fun also.
James, Britt and Kylee came with us. Kylee was mesmerized by the whole thing too! She did not say much either! She just wanted to be on her Uncle Bubbla all night! Johnathon just loves him some Kylee Ann! It was so nice and a very enjoyable night as a Family!We had two tired kiddos by the time we left but had a wonderful time
I love that Baylee had her purse at Elmo Live, just in case she needed to touch up her lips!
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