I often think about that song that says "Your gonna miss this. Your gonna want this back. Your gonna wish these days, hadn't gone by so fast. These are the good times. Take a good look around." As I did the normal walk through(as every mom does), I went into my baby boy's room and he was cuddled up with his three favorite things. His mouse(Mousey), his monkey(from Uncle Chuck.He is kinda hiding under the covers in the picture!) and his turtle(T.J.). When I looked at him that song came to my mind and I cherish every moment spent with my kids. Whether it is good, bad or ugly. I could never get these days back. So, when I am feeling overwhelmed and wanting to take time with just my hubby and I, I think about how long we will have together and how long we will have with these kids. Every trip made with them and every zoo trip will be remembered far longer than anything! Trust me, I love our dates and everything but as Johnathon and I talk at dinner sometimes when we go out, we can not stop talking about our kids. They are just so wonderful to us and such a blessing from God. I remember when I had Baylee, I felt like a piece of my heart was ripped out and in her. I could never describe the love I have for my children. But the best, most selfless thing you will ever do is be a mother. Goodnite!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Your Gonna Miss This!
I often think about that song that says "Your gonna miss this. Your gonna want this back. Your gonna wish these days, hadn't gone by so fast. These are the good times. Take a good look around." As I did the normal walk through(as every mom does), I went into my baby boy's room and he was cuddled up with his three favorite things. His mouse(Mousey), his monkey(from Uncle Chuck.He is kinda hiding under the covers in the picture!) and his turtle(T.J.). When I looked at him that song came to my mind and I cherish every moment spent with my kids. Whether it is good, bad or ugly. I could never get these days back. So, when I am feeling overwhelmed and wanting to take time with just my hubby and I, I think about how long we will have together and how long we will have with these kids. Every trip made with them and every zoo trip will be remembered far longer than anything! Trust me, I love our dates and everything but as Johnathon and I talk at dinner sometimes when we go out, we can not stop talking about our kids. They are just so wonderful to us and such a blessing from God. I remember when I had Baylee, I felt like a piece of my heart was ripped out and in her. I could never describe the love I have for my children. But the best, most selfless thing you will ever do is be a mother. Goodnite!
Children's Museum of Acadiana
I took the kids to the Children's Museum in Laffayette. It was a very nice museum. It was nothing like the one in Houston-but was still very fun. They were able to play like they were shopping in the grocery store, a dentist, a doctor, a weatherman, a hostess(Baylee just loved that).
Then there was this BIG bubble area, where you lift this round bar over your body and you are inside of this huge bubble! I think that was Braden's favorite.
The kids really had a good time. We had the Kleinpeter crew with us also! I just think it is so fun for them to be able to do adult things but in a fun, filled child's world! Is is so nice for all these different companies to donate these exibits so that your child can have a fun, learning experience.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Holly Jolly Christmas
This Christmas was so fun. The kids are getting older and they know what they want. Baylee wanted a kitchen set, so that is what she got. We got her the stove,fridge, and sink. We also got her a little washer. You would have thought that the only present Santa brought her was that little washer. She loved it! She said "Mom, I have to go put a load on." We thought we would just die. She is growing up so fast!
Braden wanted a bike and a train table. So, that is what he received. He was so happy to see his new big boy bike when he woke up on Christmas morning. He also got a few little toy guns and stuff like that. So, the normal little boy in him was taking the gun and shooting the little men off of the train table. What am I going to do with him. Also, his Maw-Maw Lydia got him a big walking dino. He was so scared of it. He would cry every time he seen it in the store and even when he got it, he was still a little scared. Now he loves it and shows it off to everyone. His Paw-Paw Kyle got him a BIG gun. Literally, the size of his entire body. He just loves his big gun. He said " Now, I can shoot those deersss." What more would you expect out of a Southern Boy.The Lord has blessed us so much and we must not forget to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas-HIM. We hope everyone has had a Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Winter Wonderland
Well, let's just say that I was at work when it first started snowing in Baton Rouge. I even got the luxury of driving home in the snow from work. You should of seen all of us Southern People on the interstate going 20 MPH with our Flashers on! What the Heck? It was amazing! The Lord really blessed us with this snow. When we were in AZ I wanted to ride up to Flagstaff to go see the snow but the kids were fussy and tired so we decided to not go. Then we come home and we get 4 inches of snow in Louisiana. The kids had so much fun playing in the snow with daddy. Anyway, hope everyone in Louisiana enjoyed the snowy day: )
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
What an amazing time we had in Arizona. This was my first visit to the Wild Wild West! To start off we drove straight through from Louisiana to Tucson,Arizona. What a trip it was! We had a wonderful ride in and enjoyed the scenary. The kids were amazing for the trip. We could not of asked for them to do any better.
When we got there we stayed in a hotel room for the first night and went to the campground the next and that is where we would be for the next 10 days. We visited with a lot of friends while we were there. Johnathon really enjoyed seeing all of his old houses and seeing people that meant a lot to him when he lived there. I could not wipe that smile off of his face the entire drive there. We were able to do a few things aside from all the visting. We took the kids to the Phoenix Zoo, which was so much fun. We attemtpted to ride these bikes while we were there!! That was a joke! Maybe in Louisiana we could pedal those bikes, but not in the mountains! So, we rented a paddle boat and went in the pond instead. The kids had so much fun. We also took them to Rawhide. That was AWESOME! They just loved it. They panned for gold,rode a donkey,watched a shootout and rode the train. It was amazing!The kids enjoyed every minute of the time they were able to spend with their Maw-Maw and Paw-Paw.We took them to a park that was so nice! They thought it was so cool that Maw-Maw and Paw-Paw were going to the park with them and playing with them! I wish we had parks like that in Louisiana.
We attempted to go to one of Johnathon's favorite places-Oak Creek Canyon. It was a beautiful ride into Sedona. Although my father-in-law was scaring me to death driving up them mountains at 80mph. Now who thinks that the speed limit should be 80mph going up and around those mountains?!?!? Anyway, when we got to Oak Creek Canyon it was raining cats and dogs out there but we still attempted to go and walk through. It was still so beautiful.
We had an amazing trip and enjoyed every minute of the time we were able to spend as a family. There were some ruff patches due to the kids not feeling very well before we left but all turned out well and we made some memories. Baylee wants to move to Arizona now. She loves it! She said "Mother, there is so many fun things to see here!" The real reason we went to Arizona was to go to Johnathon's Cousin, Ryan's wedding. The wedding was so beautiful.What an Awesome time we had. The Lord really blessed us to be able to go on this trip! My kids have been more places in their short amount of time here, than I have in my entire life! What a blessing that is to see your children being able to have the experiences at such a young age.
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