This Christmas was so fun. The kids are getting older and they know what they want. Baylee wanted a kitchen set, so that is what she got. We got her the stove,fridge, and sink. We also got her a little washer. You would have thought that the only present Santa brought her was that little washer. She loved it! She said "Mom, I have to go put a load on." We thought we would just die. She is growing up so fast!
Braden wanted a bike and a train table. So, that is what he received. He was so happy to see his new big boy bike when he woke up on Christmas morning. He also got a few little toy guns and stuff like that. So, the normal little boy in him was taking the gun and shooting the little men off of the train table. What am I going to do with him. Also, his Maw-Maw Lydia got him a big walking dino. He was so scared of it. He would cry every time he seen it in the store and even when he got it, he was still a little scared. Now he loves it and shows it off to everyone. His Paw-Paw Kyle got him a BIG gun. Literally, the size of his entire body. He just loves his big gun. He said " Now, I can shoot those deersss." What more would you expect out of a Southern Boy.The Lord has blessed us so much and we must not forget to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas-HIM. We hope everyone has had a Merry Christmas!
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