Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Leap of Faith!

Well, as of today I am officially a stay-at-home mom! Johnathon and I have been praying for about a month about me staying at home with the kids. I mean come on there is only so long you have with them! So, I resigned from my position and I am giving everything to God. He has never failed us and never will. He has filled our cup up overflowing and we are so grateful! I have been asked by several people, how are you giving up your career to stay at home?! Don't you want to be able to provide them with much more than you had as a child?! The only thing I can say or respond to that is, these are the good times! Do you think that the Lord does not want you to have nice things and provide the quality of life that every person would dream of. A father will never let his children down. Granted, you may feel like there are things that you want and can not have but the reality is, you may not need it. He will never let any one of us down. He wants nothing but the best for His children. All I can say is if the Lord is convicting you to stay at home-DO IT! I was once told to sacrifice because obedience is far more important. Don't wait to long and be as miserable as I have been due to me not being obedient to God. You will feel such a relief and a weight lifted off of your shoulder. You will have patience that you thought you could never have. And HE will Provide. Have Faith and do it with a serving heart and the opportunities will be endless. I would much rather lose a shopping trip to Gap, than not be in His Will for my life. I know he has great plans for our life and look forward to see them in the near future!Let me not forget to thank my faithful/not worried husband.I, on the other hand, am very worried and scared! He is so wonderful to us! Thank you Lord for a strong man of God in my life. I need HIM!!LOL! The Lord loves to speak to me at 2am. Just thought I would let everyone know that.I will keep everyone posted on our status and keep us in your prayers! Pray for Peace over our Family! Thanks to everyone for your prayers and support! They are strongly welcomed! We Love You!


Lindsey Stelly said...

So excited for you!! Now I truly have a "GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!!" buddy!!
The Lord is going to bless your obedience! Can't wait to get together with ya'll!
I'll email you later today!!
Love ya!