Praise- Thank the Lord for my very Handsome,intelligent,funny,hard working husband. Thank you for the many blessing that he brings into my life. He is a wonderful man of God who loves his children with all of his heart. Thank you for him!
Praise- Thank you for two very healthy children who bring so much joy to my life. Baylee you are mommies little princess that I adore. You are beautiful inside and out. You have so much to offer the world. I pray that you carry Jesus with you every where you go and that others will see a light shining in you. You are an AWESOME big sister. Braden you are mommies Big man. When daddy is away you think that you are the man of the house. You are an AWESOME brother for Baylee. You are so smart and funny and care so much about others and their feelings. You bring so much joy in my life. I pray that you carry Jesus with you every where. You are beautiful inside and out. I love you both! Parker-I love you already and have not even seen you. Mommy and Daddy prayed for you for a year. Thank you Lord for your perfect timing in our life. You are such a little wiggler. You bring joy to our family even now at a whopping 4 oz. We seen you on the ultrasound the other day and you were just beautiful Mommy cried when she seen you. I love you Parker and I pray for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby boy.
Praise- Thank You for our Friends and Family. If you have 1 good person that you can call on and they will come right away-Be Grateful for them. I have two almost perfect in-laws.I have two amazing sister-in-laws. Thank you both for all you do for us! I pray that I can be a person that when someone calls I am there to help!
Praise- There are so many people praying for children who have NO KIDS. Thank you Lord for blessing all of our siblings with a child or children of their own! Thank you for our neices and nephew!
Praise- Thank you Lord for our home and cars and everything that you have provided us with. Thank you for all of my decorations in our home which I love! Thank you for the wisdom you have given us with our finances. Thank you for a wonderful job for my husband. Thank you Lord for the opportunity to stay home with my children and raise them. Thank you for Sharon Baptist and the staff who are committed to our children. Thank you for GAP! Lord, you know I love to shop and you always bless me with good sales for our children some clothes. Thank you Lord for me being able to have time for myself to get my hair done.
I give you Praise for all of these things Lord. For you alone are Holy and Worthy of our Praise.
I thank you, Lord for the GAP, too!!
And I thank you, Lord for Samantha!!
Girl, I love you!!
I was sitting here just yesterday reading sad blogs and crying my eyes out. Praise the Lord indeed for our family & life! You know I will always be there for yall. All you have to do is call.
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