After she sang, the live auction started! I had bid on a couple of items in the silent auction-one of which I lost by $2. It was a really cute diaper bag. They had a silent auction for the kids and we bid on a few things for them and they won! For the live auction, I really wanted this pretty picture frame and candle holder. We won it for $50 and it was nice to be able to donate money to the school to help out! We had a good time and I truly trust these people with our children's lives and education! It is a really good school and I see how much Baylee knows compared to children at other schools! Even Braden does better than others! We are praying for State accreditation for them. Thank you Lord for blessing us with a Christian school to send out children to. Thank you to everyone who attended the Auction and donating to our children! Below is a picture of the frame and candle holder that we won! Note the warm fire in the background that the hubby has going for us on this cold day!
Kudos to Healing Place Church! We were tired from getting home late last night and decided that we were going to stay home and not go to church this morning. We had church at home in our bed! Thanks to being able to watch the 10am service live on web cast! It was AWESOME! They do praise and worship and you can even tithe right from your bed, warm and in your pj's! Yay!
We had a great time also. I didnt think it would be as fun as it was. I was pretty much dreading it. I had such a great time that I finished helping with the talent show and started helping with the auction. But go me... I got all my points now! I worked yesterday morning, then twice last night! Baylee did an awesome job. I was extremely proud of her! Jaylin would never get up there like that! I bragged about her to everyone. PROUD AUNT am I!!! The school is great & I brag on it every chance I get. I hope to keep Jaylin there for a long time!
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