As I look at my 93 year old grandmaw holding her Great-Grandson, I realize how blessed she has been all of her days. She has been through the hardest of times and is now able to sit and enjoy all the blessings the Lord has for her. She has lived to see more than her Children's Children. She has lived to see 13 Great Great Grandchildren! What an amazing testimony!
This weekend was a busy weekend. Johnathon worked on Saturday morning and then we went to my grandma's to let her see Parker. Of Course she thought that he was a doll:) Also,one of my all time favorite cousin's was in town and waited to see Parker also. It was nice to visit and have some time away from the house. After we left there we went to Baton Rouge to get a few much needed things since we were so unprepared when we came home with a newborn. My other two little rats went and stay with their Aunt Jessica over night and I was able to sleep in to 11am. It was wonderful. Things are still going great:) Of course I am getting more tired as the days go on but we will be fine. Before you know it he will be blowing out his first candle:(
I took a picture of him today because he was sitting in his bouncy seat for the first time. Can you tell that he loves it?? How about his Don King hair do? Oh yes, his hair stands straight up as soon as you wash it.My other two are doing good but can not sit still enough for me to get any pictures of them.
PRECIOUS!! He looks so comfy!
High five for Aunt Jessica! She rocks!! HA
Glad you enjoyed your rest, you deserve it. Love ya!
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