It was a bittersweet moment for me as I so longed for my dad to be able to do these things with my boys. My Dad was quite the fishermen. It was his way of relaxing from a stressful day at work. It was his way of spending time with his children. He loved more than anything to bring us fishing on False River. I can already tell that he has is Paw Lee's Heart for fishing and he is quite the little fisherman himself:)
Sometimes, I sit back and think of how my Dad was never given a fair chance at life. I have gotten angry but have come back to realization that this was the Lord's plan for him and his life, as it was never his life anyway, only the Lords. He knows every piece of hair on our head before we are born. He knew my dad would be a sick man. Thank you Lord for the time you have allowed us to share life with him. I continue to pray for healing over his entire body. I am thankful that his Paw-Paw Kyle and his Daddy are here to take him on his first fishing trip though:)