What are you up to these days:
-You made your first coo yesterday.
-You are smiling like crazy! Especially at your sister:)
-You drink about 3 ounces of formula.
-You still wake up at 2am for a little nip:)
-You are wearing 0-3 month clothes.
-You love your mommy but boy do you love to hear your daddy talk.
-You weigh 10lbs 7oz
-You had your 2 months shots and checked out great!
-You wear size 1 diapers and can not stand to be wet or have poop!
-You still take that old nasty Zantac for your reflux.
-You are so strong and raise your head up so well for 2 months.
-You have been to the zoo twice and the mall ever week
-You dislike your stroller and carseat.
-You love, love, love your swing.
-Your really want to be held by mommy all day but I hear when your with your daddy you go in your bed fine!
You stole our hearts 2 months ago just like you were the first baby we had ever seen. It doesn't get old! We love you more and more each passing day and pray for your protection everyday.
Sha baby! Little man is already 2 months. He's getting cuter by the day!!
Cute little guy.
You asked about Reese's blessing ring...I just space the ribbon between 10 or so cards. It's just whatever you want to do!
Just to let ya know...I buy my rings at Hobby Lobby. They are actually choker necklaces, I think! Good luck.
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