WOW, 4 months already! I think I say that every month! You are so BIG and have won all of our hearts with that smile of yours. What are you up to:
- You weigh 13 pounds 7 ounces.
- You are taking about 4 ounces of Nutramigen Formula.
- You are still wearing size 1 diapers.
- You are wearing mostly 3-6 month clothes.
- You love your mommy and daddy more and more with each passing day.
- You have not slept away yet and mommy does not think that will ever happen!( Every time mommy and daddy talk about going on a cruise for Mommy's Birthday, you cry just thinking about us leaving you!)
- You smile and coo a lot.
- You have eaten rice cereal off a spoon a few times.
- Your first baby food that you tried was SQUASH!(YOU WERE NOT HAPPY)
- Your first fruit was APPLESAUCE.
- You laugh and coo so much at in your bouncy seat. You just love it!
- You hate when the vehicles stops! You Scream your head off!
- You still love taking your 20 minute bath every night.
- You are starting to hold your head up more and more each day.
We almost forgot to mention that Mommy Mohawks your hair almost EVERYDAY!
I love the mohawks! So Cute!
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