Thought I would do a quick post since Parker is napping-You must understand that Parker NEVER naps! I am enjoying it so much today! We are gearing up for the holidays and I have not bought anything for my older two children yet! I am hoping that we will be able to get out and about tomorrow night and get all of that done!
On Sunday, the kids had their Christmas Play. They have been working so hard on it for many weeks now. They really enjoyed going to choir practice every Wednesday. Of Course you know that a "BOOKSH" must be the center of attention and make everyone laugh. Well that person is Braden. He is a clown. At the end of the play, they were making all of the kids say their names and grade. Well, Braden gets up there and says, "My name is Braden and I am in 2ND Grade!" He cracks me up! Anyway, I hope everyone is shopping away and enjoying the Holidays because we sure are!
Oh, I almost forgot to put one of this "little Stinker."
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