Oh, I love Christmas Time! More than any other Holiday-I love to decorate for Christmas. I love our tree and our fire and our stockings. I HEART CHRISTMAS!
I have always wanted lights around our house since I was a little girl! I dreamed of having Christmas lights. I always thought it was so pretty and classy just to have white lights around a house. Well, my wonderful husband made that dream come true this year. He spent one week wrapping this 2300 square feet in classy, white lights! I love it! It looks BEAUTIFUL! I am so thankful to him and have told him everyday how BEAUTIFUL our home looks! Not to mention I love him:) It will be six years being married in 2 weeks!
I have spent some time decorating but not a ton and would love to do more but with the 3 kiddos in tote, it makes it a little hard! This is our second year in a row that it has snowed! It is Beautiful!
I have also always wanted one of these Christmas Calenders for our kids. Well, last year I went after Christmas and bought tons of stuff, including all those lights for our house, on sale half off. Now I have been a terrible mother this week and have not showed it to our kids but I plan on putting candy starting this week and letting them count down the days with us:)
I cant believe we missed the snow! But I guess missing it for Mexico is not so bad!
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