Some days it feels like six months has just flown by, but others feel like it has been the longest six months of my life. I must say Parker is my challenge everyday. We all adore him but he is our challenge. I think the game we all play in this house is: What can we do to keep Parker occupied and not crying! HA! I know pretty funny but has Parker been the first, He very well may have been an only child! He is so sweet, handsome, loves him mommy and everything you can imagine a six month old boy to be BUT if I had to describe him in two words it would be- HIGH MAINTENANCE! He is growing so much. Here are Parker's Stats this month:

-Weighs 15.7oz
-6 Month clothes
-size 2 diapers
-Number 2 baby food
-Eating 3 meals a day and a snack
-Still does not like vegetables-he has a sweet tooth but no teeth! tee hee!
-rolls over
-Starting to sit up
-talking and smiling all the time
-has been nicknamed "THE KING"
-Sleeping through the night
-LOVES Baby Einstein
-Growing to love his excersaucer
-very ticklish
-He got is first cold this month and antibiotics
Parker is definitely the king of the castle and we all adore his cute little face! Love you Parker!
WOW! 6 Mo. passed by so fast!!
Happy Birthday Parker Bub!!
Happy 1/2 yr Birthday Parker!
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