Friday, April 30, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
The End Has Come

The end of Braden's first year of T-Ball has come. He had a very exciting year and wanted to play for a lot longer than he did. I am a little sad to see it go already because it just means he is getting sooo BIG! They grow so fast. He will be going to Kindergarden next year:-(
He has learned so much this year- He can write all of his numbers. He can write his name and other short words in cursive. He has started reading and can read a few short books. He is really good at sounding out words and reading them. He knows all of his vowels and what makes them "so special." I could not ask for a better Christian school to send our children to.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Baylee's Awards Day
This is a short clip on Baylee doing her tap dance "Dream Girls." She is in the Left front in light pink in the beginning and then moves to the back:) We are so Proud of her!
Tubes, Tubes, and more Tubes

It seems like that is the story of our life! Today Parker got his first set of tubes. He did so GREAT! He was a little trooper. He woke up at 4AM ready for a bottle and cried until we left at 5:15. We had to be there at 6AM. He was a BIG BOY and we were home by 8AM. The Dr was so nice and was quick:~)

Here's a picture of Maw-Maw getting some love from him in recovery. SO SWEET!
Monday, April 26, 2010

being a mom is a POOPY kind of Job!
LITERALLY! Today, I was thinking that if the show "Dirty Jobs" really wanted to see a "Dirty Job" all they would have to do is follow a mother of three for one day! There is no way I could let this major catastrophe in our home this morning miss being on my blog. This was the first time Parker decided to play in his diaper and if your a mother you understand these kinds of things.

We do know what is causing this though-Parker is cutting his second tooth as you can see to the right of his first tooth-It is about to cut through:)

Friday, April 23, 2010
Our Little Cubs
Tiger Cubs that is! We went to the zoo for the opening of the new tiger exhibit and they did face painting for the kids. When I asked the lady if she would mind painting Parker's face-She really looked at me like-Seriously? But she did it and I am glad because they were all so darn cute. This is the best picture I could get of all three but I just love the one of Baylee and Parker. It just shows how much they look alike?!?!
Then they had this little box-and of course Me and Britt had to put our kids in it because sometimes we feel like these Booksh Clones belong in the ZOO! What can we say-THEY ARE ALL SO CUTE!
Happy 9 Months Old Parker~

WOW- 9 months has come and gone so fast! Parker this month you are:
-You weigh 16 lbs 12 oz
-Wearing size 9 mo clothes but they are fitting tight so we have some 12 mo clothes.
-Wearing size 2 diapers
-You are eating all day long-your fav baby food is carrots and anything sweet. You have been eating tons of table food though!
-You can say "da da", "ma ma"
-You are still crawling and get into everything
-You pull yourself up to standing and have attempted a few times to take a step
-You are still very partial to your mommy and daddy-Oh and PawPaw Kyle
-You will get tubes on April 27 for those ear infections
We love you soo much big boy and you are growing so fast right before our eyes.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Easter Week
This week started off sooo fun-On Monday night I went to Corks-n-Canvas with the girls and painted. It was so much fun. I can't wait to go back.
Then on Tuesday night Baylee and I went and had a manicure and pedicure. I love my Baby Girl and the fun times that we have together. Then on Wednesday night I had Pokeno. I won $50, first prize, so that is always exciting. Yes, Johnathon had the kids for a total of 5 nights alone and he did a GREAT job!!!
On Thursday the kids had their Easter Party and school. Parker and I went and watched them. They are all so cute running for the eggs. Baylee is becoming a pro. I was thinking of how sad it will be when they don't hunt eggs anymore:(
On Good Friday we went to some friends house. It was a BLAST. We ate, talked, hunted eggs, rode horses,4-wheelers, and ate some more. A good time was had by all. The kids just loved it. Parker was fussy so we took him to the Dr early Saturday morning and he had an ear infection again. So, he will be getting tubes soon. Parker was even able to ride the horse on Friday.
The week was almost over-We went to Easter Service at church on Sunday and came home and had some good old boiled crawfish. I was entirely to lazy to get up and get my camera so we have no pictures from it. Here are some fun photos of the kids Easter morning. I always hide the kids baskets to make it fun for them. They got some fun stuff and had a ball. The Easter bunny was good to them!
Sorry no photos been to busy!!!
Then on Tuesday night Baylee and I went and had a manicure and pedicure. I love my Baby Girl and the fun times that we have together. Then on Wednesday night I had Pokeno. I won $50, first prize, so that is always exciting. Yes, Johnathon had the kids for a total of 5 nights alone and he did a GREAT job!!!
On Thursday the kids had their Easter Party and school. Parker and I went and watched them. They are all so cute running for the eggs. Baylee is becoming a pro. I was thinking of how sad it will be when they don't hunt eggs anymore:(
On Good Friday we went to some friends house. It was a BLAST. We ate, talked, hunted eggs, rode horses,4-wheelers, and ate some more. A good time was had by all. The kids just loved it. Parker was fussy so we took him to the Dr early Saturday morning and he had an ear infection again. So, he will be getting tubes soon. Parker was even able to ride the horse on Friday.
The week was almost over-We went to Easter Service at church on Sunday and came home and had some good old boiled crawfish. I was entirely to lazy to get up and get my camera so we have no pictures from it. Here are some fun photos of the kids Easter morning. I always hide the kids baskets to make it fun for them. They got some fun stuff and had a ball. The Easter bunny was good to them!
Sorry no photos been to busy!!!
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