WOW- 9 months has come and gone so fast! Parker this month you are:
-You weigh 16 lbs 12 oz
-Wearing size 9 mo clothes but they are fitting tight so we have some 12 mo clothes.
-Wearing size 2 diapers
-You are eating all day long-your fav baby food is carrots and anything sweet. You have been eating tons of table food though!
-You can say "da da", "ma ma"
-You are still crawling and get into everything
-You pull yourself up to standing and have attempted a few times to take a step
-You are still very partial to your mommy and daddy-Oh and PawPaw Kyle
-You will get tubes on April 27 for those ear infections
We love you soo much big boy and you are growing so fast right before our eyes.
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