Parker today your are one! I am so thankful for the joy you bring to our lives. You have developed such a personality lately. You dance all the time. You love to call Bella. YOU LOVE YOUR DADDY BUT your mommy has your heart! You are definitely a firecracker. You have a bad temper and want things your way! WHO DOESN'T. You are our third born and we completely adore you. We can't imagine our life without you. You are our little miracle and we love you so much.
-You weigh 19lb 8oz
-You are 28 inches long
-You eat a ton.
-You popped your first top tooth out today
-You are sleeping all night
-You don't like the nursery @ church
-You drink only vanilla soy milk
-You are off of the bottle
-Wearing size 3 diapers
-18 Month clothes
-You are warming up to more people
-You love bikes
-You love to ride the 4-wheeler

Yay!! Happy Birthday Parker!!! Cant wait for your birthday party =) We love you
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