I am so glad that I get to do life with these people. They fulfill so many rolls in our lives that I can't even count them all- best friends, counselors, worst enemies(LOL), our parents, my inlaws, etc...The list could go on and on! I love and appreciate them more than they know! Some days it's harder to show our appreciation than other days- but at the end of the day we know where we stand with the people that's in our lives:-)
Our kids adore them! Not because they buy them every single thing that they want but because they spend quality time with each one of them. They are there for them when they need them. They know that they will be there to watch them catch the bus. They know they will make it to every Birthday party and all of their events that they have. They trust them. They love them. They need them in their lives. This my friend is the perfect example of grandparents! I pray that I can be like them when I am older and that I can learn from any of their mistakes and be there when my family needs me. I know at 49 years old(LOL) -I will want to be sitting on the couch with three very goofy, very tired, very wired up grandchildren!
We LOVE you guys! Your a HUGE part of our lives and we are so happy to do life with ya'll!
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