See this little plant- It has been around for 7 years. Can you believe that! My wonderful mother-in-law gave us this plant when Johnathon and I moved in together. I can't really remember what it was for but I think it was a "just because" plant. So let's see how I can put this to make it go over a little smoother-LOL-I tried to kill this plant for like a year because well, I didn't love my mother-in-law as much as I do now:-) It never died! I literally never watered it on purpose.
About a year ago, it started to die and was almost gone. Johnathon added more dirt to it and some miracle grow and cut it short again and look at it today. It is beautiful as the first day I got it.
So, I started thinking that this plant is a lot like a relationship with someone or a marriage. When you don't give this plant the water and things that it needs to survive and grow, most of the time it will die. It takes a lot to keep a plant alive. I have about 5 mums outside right now that are about DEAD! Don't know where I went wrong with them but I went wrong. Sometimes we fail to realize that we didn't fall in love with our husbands or become best friends by neglecting our relationship and putting it on the back burner for our kids and everyone else around. We fell in love with them by doing things together, spending quality time together, learning each other and what you need to keep the "PLANT" alive. All we have to do is add a little more dirt and some water and it will come back to life. Isn't that amazing??? All we have to do is add a little dirt and water to bring something back to life. I know what we consider to be our "dirt and water" is a trip to the coffee shop alone or a trip to the bookstore alone or maybe even sometimes a night together out on the town! LOL! It's such a learning and a growing process and so hard to put these relationships first before other things BUT you must to keep it alive. I think this is a struggle of all marriages and relationships when you have small children. Many times we may not know where we went wrong(like me with the mums) but it doesn't matter where we went wrong as long as we can find our way back:-)
"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one. THEREFORE WHAT GOD HAS JOINED TOGETHER, LET MAN NOT SEPERATE." Matt 19:5-6
Very well said and so true.
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