My weeks fly by and I stay running the roads lately! Well, when gas gets a little higher I guess I will be sitting home or be very skinny-it's either feed me or feed the car! Guess I should try the feed the car thing for a while. Anyway tomorrow is a BIG day for us because we are going look at a Mother's Day Out for Parker. I have always been a fan of MDO and I think it is worth every single penny invested in it. I feel like my other children did so well and were so prepared for Pre-K and K from MDO. Parker will be going with his cousin Bryce so that may be setting up for disaster but I think they are going to do great together. Those boys are a hand full and a half.
Today we went to the mall. We got all dressed to go check out MDO today but they were closed so we went and ate and let the kids play. I love going to the mall and finding an unexpected deal. Like some new twinkle toes for Baylee for $10.50 and some new shirts for Braden for $2. I mean you can't go to a thrift store and get those kind of prices! So happy! Things like that just really make my day a lot better. The week started off very rocky but seems to be getting better slowly. Johnathon will be back in town soon and life will continue as normal for us. Even though I have to work the weekend:-/ Thankful for a job right now tho!
Well hope everyone has a Happy Wednesday and I will post later on about the MDO!

Oh and I almost forgot to post that this cutie had PJ day at school today and they celebrated Dr. Suess Birthday. How fun is that?!?!? We were never able to do fun stuff like that when we went to school.
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