I can hardly believe that my baby is 2. For the kids Birthdays I always make them pancakes for breakfast! It's just fun and they always love it! Since his birthday party was on Saturday I didn't have time to do him a dinner and cake. Hopefully he will forgive me!
Parker you are growing up so fast. You are quite the stinker! You are so full of energy! We can barely keep an eye on you. You have been potty training for a while now and we are still working on the pooping! You are doing a great job. You wear 2t clothes. We just moved you into your big boy toddler bed and you are doing great with that. Sometimes you love to climb out and come check on us! We have to make sure you are sound a sleep. You had your first sleep over at maw-maw's last week. They said you did great but you wanted your mommy when you woke up. In a way that makes me smile because you will always be our baby boy, our little miracle. You have had a very long, ruff 2 years and I know God has BIG plans for you. You are in the 2 year old class at church and let's just say it's not your favorite place to go but you are getting used to it. We love you so much and you bring so much joy to our lives. You love being doted on by your brother and sister and they tend to give you your way also. We can't wait to see what the Lord has planned for you. We love you to the moon Parker.
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