Who doesn't love some good ole Old Tyme Photos. I love those shops that take these. I think they are so much fun. Besides look how cute these kids are??? They loved dressing up too.
This was our trip to the Ripley's Aquarium. It was very nice and supposed to be one of the largest in the country. I think I am just partial to LA-But I liked ours better! They did have beautiful waterfalls and stuff in it though. The same night we went here Johnathon and Braden went up the mountain on a sky lift. They both loved it and I was very shocked that Braden went on it. Downtown Gatlinburg is so pretty. It is so overpopulated though. We were fighting all the tourists down there.
Can I say scared out of my mind! We missed our turn for Laurel falls and ended up almost to the top of the mountains. The highest point is 6000 feet and we were so close. I was scared. It was so chilly and once we stopped up there-I was ok and enjoyed the full beauty of the smokey mountains. That's what it's all about. The mountains stay smokey almost all day. I love it! This was in the Smokey Mountain National Park. It's massive. I can't even explain how big it is! Everyone needs to go here at least once.

This was our hike down to Laurel falls. It was beautiful as mostly everything in Tennessee is. At first it was very steep. It was a 2.6 mile hike and I wasn't feeling it at first. The great thing is it is a paved trail so we were able to push Parker in the stroller on it. That made life much easier. Parker isn't a big water fan so all these chilly falls and creeks were not his cup of tea.

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