This is the crew before we left to walk down to the Baptist church this am for VBS. They are enjoying it and doing very well. Isn't it funny how some weeks you feel like you can conquer the world and others it is a big meltdown all week. Thank the Lord for new weeks and his grace and mercy is new everyday.
Our fence is making progress. The hubby and FIL have been working hard on it. It is going to be so nice when it is finished.

And I know yall are wondering what this little boy is doing this week??? Well he bumped his chin this AM and being that I take care of bobo's at work it looks like I can take care of them at home too huh!! LOL! I think he is enjoying the peace and attention while the other kiddos are gone. He is rotten so he likes to be alone. I am sure he will miss them when they go back to school though. Happy Tuesday! It's going to be a great day! Pokeno tonight and I can't wait for the break:)
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