Of course I am so far behind on blogging. I just can't find the time in the day to blog even though I love to keep up with our everyday.
I figured I would start off with a post about our amazing trip to the Bahamas. Well we won this trip at Marriage Conference. Can I say AMAZING! The most dreadful part (for me) was the flight. I do not like to fly-at all! Our trip was awesome. I enjoyed spending 7 days with my man. We had time to talk and just enjoy each other. We were able to go to one of the top 5 beaches in the world-Gold Rock Beach. It was breathtaking. I really believe that heaven will have a beach like that. I can't imagine what the number 1 beach would look like!
As for our 3 kiddos, I don't think they missed us a bit! They were back at home with maw-maw and paw-paw enjoying the break from us. You know grandparents let them do some different things and of course they love it.
Thank you for being the best maw-maw and paw-paw ever and for keeping our kids for a week!
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