So, I always snap cute little snapshots almost daily of our life with great intentions of posting and as sad as it is-I almost dread it. I dread having to catch up on my blog. I dread it! It is supposed to be fun right? Well, I think if I did it as regularly as I would like it would be great! But the fact is I am a tired mother of three. At this point I don't even know where to begin. So much has happened in our lives and we have done so much so maybe I will just start from today's snapshot of our life!

Today was "Blast from the Past" day atschool so here is a pic of Baylee in the car before I dropped her off. We are not going to get into why I drove her and Braden rode the bus! Nah! We won't go there. Just enjoy the pic:-)

Then Parker and I loaded up and went to the mall. We ran our errands then I took him to busy BEE to play. He had a blast! He really is warming up and loves to play with kiddos! Also he had a total fit for this little boys bear that he built at build a bear. So, I said well he is the third child and really doesn't ever get things so I will take him to build a candy corn bear like the little boys. HE LOVES HIS BABY I MUST SAY:-)
Oh-kay, so I just posted the kids birthday that was in August! I totally know what u are talking about!!! LOL Gotta start somewhere =)
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