Why is it so hard to get three little people to do the same thing at the same time?!?!? Oh Maybe bc they are little people:-)

We went on our first camping trip alone with just us 5. A good time was had by all, I must say. We were able to check in early on Friday and I was so proud of Johnathon for getting us there safely. I was a little worried about him driving us with that huge camper. He did GREAT! The kids played at the park and painted ceramics later on that evening. On Saturday, we started off the morning with a "Hey" Ride as they call it at Yogi Bear. They have this big cement slide that the kids just LOVED! Did I say LOVED??? Wait I am not sure who loved it more-The older two kids or my husband?!?!?! The day just continued with fun activities and we ended the night with Trick-or-treat around the park. Baylee ended up with the stomach bug and threw up for like four hours off and on. Poor baby wasn't her normal sassy self all day today! We had a wonderful time and can't wait to go again another time:-)
Poor Baylee! Sounds like yall still had fun even though she got sick. Good family trip, I cant wait to go camping. Looks like it may be in our future soon also!
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