Monday, November 17, 2008

Libby Lu Du

Our baby girl is 5! Time flys by so fast when you are having fun! For her Birthday we went to Libby Lu. She just had a blast! They did her hair and make-up and danced and all that fun girl stuff. She had 5 of her favorite friends there. She got an American girl baby doll for her Birthday from mommy and daddy. She has been a really good mommy. She even woke up the first night and did a night feeding on her! LOL!

She also got a ton of dollars! Earlier in the year she told her Aunt Jessica that she wanted $34 dollars. Now where would that come from?!?!?! She thought she was so cool with all those dollar bills! Nothing feels more rewarding than seeing your child smile and be so happy! We are blessed with some wonderful children even though they can drive us crazy at times. What more could you want in life?!?!?! Until next time folks.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Elmo Live

We are already off to a fun start this month and it is only the first week of the month. What more could you ask for:) We took the kids to Elmo Live tonight. At first I thought Baylee might be a little to old for Elmo but she had a blast!! She stood on her chair and danced away all night! Like I said she has been very scared of people dressed up, such as Elmo, but she went right up to the stage with her superhero(daddy) and shook Zoe's hand. She thought she was the coolest! Our baby Girl is growing up!
Now with Mr. Braden Kyle, he stood on his chair the entire time and did not budge. He was glued in can I tell you! You could not get him to take a picture because he could not look at the camera long enough to take one. He had fun also.
James, Britt and Kylee came with us. Kylee was mesmerized by the whole thing too! She did not say much either! She just wanted to be on her Uncle Bubbla all night! Johnathon just loves him some Kylee Ann! It was so nice and a very enjoyable night as a Family!We had two tired kiddos by the time we left but had a wonderful time

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Pirates, Spiders, and Butterflies oh my!

For Halloween night we took the kids to "Boo at the Park." They had a blast! They walked around and got candy first then were able to play on the playground.We went with all of there cousins which was so much fun because it is so hard to get all of us together at the same time. They had a man dressed up as a tiger from Tiger Truck Stop, that Baylee just loved. She is normally scared of people dressed up as things but all she has been talking about is the tiger!! She is so Funny! She did not want to be a pirate again so she asked if she could be a Fairy Princess. So for everything else she was a pirate but for Boo at the park she went as a fairy princess. Which led to Braden, he did not want to be a pirate anymore so he went as "Cajun Spiderman." Note the camo hat! He did not want to wear his spidey mask!!

After we left the boo at the park we went on a hayride around Grosse Tete with the kleinpeter/Stelly crew. We really enjoyed that ride also. That was something new to us! Baylee would hurry up and run to the house and get her candy and run back to the trailer so that she could be back in the trailer first. We had a wonderful time and were able to spend alot of time with family and even got to eat some really good gumbo